Days, months, weeks, and sometimes even years - they all go by us. If we're lucky, we tame them long enough to feel like we were not just standing there as they went by; sometimes we actually feel present in them. But not enough. Too many amazing and wonderful things go by without so much as a nod or moment of appreciation. Because life happens. Because we get busy. Because we just keep going. This blog is a way to stop all of that spinning and pause some of those quiet, simple little moments that make us smile. Being grateful is not something that we just are - being grateful is something we should actively do. This is two friends living many, many miles apart, sharing their tiny little moments of gratitude in pictures with each other and with the world.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Living with a child is….loud.  There is nothing to prepare you for the excessive noise that accompanies parenthood.  On days that my son does not take his midday nap, the noise seems to envelop me and drive me to the brink of madness.  Yes, it’s that bad.  He is what my husband and I call “the repeater.”  Nothing I can say will stop his incessant repeating of words, questions, phrases, really anything.

So, on the days that he refuses to nap….we drive.  I never, ever thought I’d resort to this. 

I can remember the days when taking a drive meant that I’d be free, with the windows down, and the music blaring.  I’d be singing at the top of my lungs.

Now, I drive simply to glean a few moments of silence – for which I am ever grateful.


  1. i can relate to this in that sometimes after a long day of working with all my high school kids, i drive home and notice that ive turned the music down completely, and that im riding in silence. and loving it. I do, however, hope that you and I never lose that love for turning up the music as loud as it can go, windows down, singing at the top of our lungs. hey, maybe DJ can sing along :)

    1. Oh, no. We sing loud in the car. But only after he's napped :)

    2. you need to teach him our "dear John" Alanis interpretive dance song

  2. every morning, after i drop my boys at daycare, i drive to school and sit in the car in the parking lot for 10-15 minutes. and i'm still and quiet. it is necessary.
