Days, months, weeks, and sometimes even years - they all go by us. If we're lucky, we tame them long enough to feel like we were not just standing there as they went by; sometimes we actually feel present in them. But not enough. Too many amazing and wonderful things go by without so much as a nod or moment of appreciation. Because life happens. Because we get busy. Because we just keep going. This blog is a way to stop all of that spinning and pause some of those quiet, simple little moments that make us smile. Being grateful is not something that we just are - being grateful is something we should actively do. This is two friends living many, many miles apart, sharing their tiny little moments of gratitude in pictures with each other and with the world.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Grateful # 15 - people who write first

I could go off on a grateful tirade about how amazing the people in Atlanta are for helping all of the stranded motorists, children, and workers - but I'm sure a million articles have said it better than I could. So instead, I am going to steer clear of the weather. Today, I got over my hatred of talking on the phone, and picked up when my friend called.  I won't say that I am grateful for her (though I am), and I wont say that I'm grateful for having good friends (though I am), and I wont say that I'm grateful for communication that allows two people who live far away to talk (though I am).

What I will say, is that I am grateful for people who write first.  My friend, much like me, is someone who would choose writing before speaking.   It's nice to know that other people's verbal eloquence is as flawed as mine.   It's not that she's unable to formulate intelligent sentences when she talks, but she prefers to write.  I prefer to write.  The reason she and I get along so well is not because we laugh together all the time, have interests that are the same, or even talk to each other all that often - cause none of those are true. The reason she and I get along so well is because as people who write first, we have to think first.  This means that we think ourselves to death sometimes, but that we are very grounded because we have thought through things, analyzed things, and have come up with a million different scenarios for all of those millions of things.  So even though we were talking on the phone, the fact that she can relate to what I'm talking about because she's thought about it and probably written about it, is inexplicably amazing.   I don't have to explain myself (because when I'm talking, I really can't do that very well). She just gets it. Cause she writes first.

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