Days, months, weeks, and sometimes even years - they all go by us. If we're lucky, we tame them long enough to feel like we were not just standing there as they went by; sometimes we actually feel present in them. But not enough. Too many amazing and wonderful things go by without so much as a nod or moment of appreciation. Because life happens. Because we get busy. Because we just keep going. This blog is a way to stop all of that spinning and pause some of those quiet, simple little moments that make us smile. Being grateful is not something that we just are - being grateful is something we should actively do. This is two friends living many, many miles apart, sharing their tiny little moments of gratitude in pictures with each other and with the world.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Grateful #24 - nothing but time

While drinking copious amounts of coffee and stumbling on new DIY and
Pintrest-esq websites, I decided that being grateful for a specific thing was futile. I literally haven't left the house in 24 hours; the ice storm has rendered all of us stationary.  And while I couldn’t leave  or go to work, or do anything at all really, I did get to just sit in my pajamas all day, take a shower, and then put on different pajamas.  On a school day.   

It’s nothing deep or meaningful today – but I am grateful for unexpected (well I knew we didn’t have work today, but you get my point) me time.  The deep and meaningful things all went through my mind, but rather than detail the inner workings of my brain, I am just grateful for the time I had to actually have the time to think about whatever I wanted to think about, without feeling  guilty or like I should be doing something else.

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